Bruwer Familie, Bruwer Family
Bruwer Family Tree/Bruwer Stamboom

The website is the custodian of the hard work of various experts and eager amateurs that have researched and  compiled the information that is used to compile the Bruwer Family Tree.  Enjoy!

Hierdie webwerf is die bewaarder van die harde werk deur verskeie kundiges en ywerige amateurs wat die inligting wat die Bruwer Stamboom is nagevors en saamgestel het. Geniet!

First Generation
The first generation of Bruwer's in South Africa is basically Estienne Bruere.  Although he lived from 1665 to about 1750 we can say our history as true Bruwer's from South Africa starts on 13 April 1688 when the Voorschooten took shelter in Saldana Bay.

Second Generation

The second generation was made up of 7 children.  Although they where still Bruere at birth they started to change name during their lifetime.  This generation spanned from 1703 with the oldest daughter Susanna's birth to the death of Johannes (Jean) Bruel's (b7) wife in 1794.  Johannes was the only son with children so his life of 1722-1767 is technically speaking the second generation.


Johannes (Jean) Bruere [b7]

Third Generation

The third generation that we focus on is the children of Jean Bruel. Jean had 5 children but 3 sons had children from which all Bruwer's comes from if they part of the South African Bruwer family.  We will only concern us with those three branches.  This generation therefore range from 1752 to 1852


Jacobus Stephanus-Tak (b7c1)  1752 to 1793

Schalk Willemse-Tak (b7c4) 1763 to 1836

Daniel-Tak (b7c5) 1765 to 1852


Fourth Generation
The ​Fourth Generation is the children of the three main branches, they total 25 people but some of them are ladies that will not expand the Bruwer family but the family of their husbands. So 13 sons in total.


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Copyright of some work belong to their respective authors and research used is given credit for in the Resources Section. 

Kopiereg van sommige werk behoort aan hulle onderskeie outeurs en krediet word gegee in die Bronne Seksie.